Friday 21 December 2012

Final front cover draft

This is my final front cover draft. I chose a colour scheme that fits in well with my chosen genre of alternative rock/indie (black, red and white) Also the red makes the front cover stand out well as it contrasts nicely with the other colours. I used auto on my image to make it brighter and more defined. My masthead is conventionally at the top of the page and i think the name reflects the font as it is quite 'fuzzy'. After the feedback, i got told that my plug needed to be yellow and smaller so the text runs over it. I have the basic conventions of the date and price underneath the masthead but i think it needed to make them smaller. I have a barcode at the bottom right corner but again i think i needed to make it a little bit smaller. I have teasing contents at the bottom of my front page which i like as after researching other magazines i have noticed that others have them too and it gives readers an insight into what other artists are featured.

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