Friday 8 February 2013

Second final front cover draft

This is my second final draft of my front cover for my music magazine. I really like this one and the improvements that i made. I took more photos with my model and added a guitar to make it a stronger mise en scene and make it look more like a music magazine and not a fashion magazine. I believe it is a much stronger image in terms of this as well as the photo containing eye contact which engages the audience. I stuck with the black and white colour scheme but because i change the image i had to change some of the text to yellow as you couldnt see it properly in black. I still think it fits in with my genre and i think it makes it more unique looking and more alternative. I also added a low opacity box behind some of the text to make it stand out more. After my feedback i made the barcode, date and price smaller aswell as adding an issue number. I altered the lighting and levels of my main image to make it look more proffessional and brighter. I made the teasing contents at the bottom of the page bigger and wider to vary the fonts i have used and make it fit better within the red box. I swapped the postition of the plug from the bottom left corner to the top right corner but took away the image as it would block the guitar which is a strong part of my image.

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