Monday 25 February 2013

Improvements needed for second double page spread draft

After looking at my double page spread first draft i know that there are some things which i need to change to make it look better and more professional. These are:
*Make the font size 11pt as this is used in many other magazines.
*Maybe make the article longer
*Add another image on the right hand side below the text to make it less basic (Put it on a side so it looks more different)
*Change the sentence layout so words dont drag below to the next line
*Change the font type of the introduction to something more striking and eye catching

Friday 22 February 2013

Double page-spread draft 1

This is my first double page spread draft, i have used a continous colour scheme in my double page spread and the colours used reflect my genre. After feedback i realise the changes that i need to make, i need to change the font i have used on my pull quote and introduction to one that reflects my genre. I need to make the article smaller font and then make it longer. Also add a picture on the page so it isnt just tect to break it up. I do like my first draft and i like the layout of it and the overall house style.

Article for double page spread

Scarlett Rose is new to the music scene and has been spotted by the public for her amazing fresh new talent that is indie music! We put her under the spotliht and found out what it was like going on tour, her childhood and what she hopes to have achieved in next ten years!

We asked her what it was like going on stage for the very first time. She replied with:
‘It was exhilerating and absolutely terrifying at the same time. I was fine the whole day before I had to go on stage and then a minute before my heart started to race, my stomach felt queasy and I thought I was going to faint! I knew I had fans in the UK but I didn’t know what to expect when I went touring in the US. When I went on stage I was blown away by my fan base. I didn’t expect half the amount of people that were there, it was such a rush! I started off by singing my very first song that I had wrote myself ‘Unicorns’ as it’s quite up-beat and I wanted to get off to an awesome start! Unfortunately it was raining  the whole time but it made it even crazier! The crowd was going wild! The crazier something is the more you’re going to remember it so i‘m kinda glad it was raining, it added to the atmosphere! I love touring now, i’ve got one coming up next year and i’m also hoping to introduce some new songs in the next coming months which I am currently working on.

We wanted to find out whether Scarlett Rose’s humble and sweet personality was the same as when she was a child, she replied with:
‘Definatley not! People thought I was a sweet child on the outside but then I would poke strangers numerous times in the face and scream! The stories I hear of my parents are completely mad! I was quite a different child to what you would expect looking at me now. I dont remember this but one time when I was little I was curious and found some scissors hidden away, I don’t know what was
running through my head but I though it would be a good idea to cut my own hair. So when I went to my Mum she
realised that I had lop-sided hair and took me straight to the hair-dressers! Lets just say she was a little annoyed. I also have a sister, Summer, who i’ve always been really close with, were pretty much totally different in ambitions and appearance but we’ve pretty much always got along! Of course we’ve argued but every sibling does! I’ve also got a brother but I dont see him very much with him living in Austalia, i’m so jealous! We were pretty close growing up too, I always joined him when he would be playing his games on the TV! The whole family is hoping to have a holiday in Australia next year and visit James, I cant wait!

We then asked what it was like to be noticed for the first time  and being where she is now, she replied ‘It was crazy, I’m quite a humble character and I don't really like compliments that much so I was completely shocked when I got noticed for the first time. It was completely out of the blue but from that day on my life has completely changed. I was used to having casual days where I would just lounge about and eat chocolate, now my days are much more action packed! I don't like too think of myself too highly, but I think I’m quite good. I’m not used to saying that but I guess you have to be quite good to make it this far! My fans are amazing too, I get sent cakes and baskets of chocolate so I can still have my lazy days when my week isn’t so hectic!
It‘s took a lot for me to make my way up the ladder of talent as there are so many musicians out there who don't get recognised and so I take every bit of my career and treasure it.’

We asked her what she hopes to have achieved in 10 years time, she replied with:
‘Oh god, in 10 years time i’ll be 31! That’s scary to think about! I hope by that time that i’ll be in the height of my career; still touring and still singing! My life at the moment is pretty hectic and mad and i’m loving it but I do think about the future and the fact that I want children. I’ve always wanted children when i’m older, I guess I didn’t know my life would turn out this way! It does scare me to think about what will happen when I do but i’m sure it’ll be at the right time and i can have a long deserved break! But yeah, i’m looking
forward to my future and all the new experiences i’m gonna have!'


Scarlett Rose is new to the music scene and has been spotted by the public for her amazing fresh new talent that is indie music! We put her under the spotlight and found out what it was like going on tour, her childhood and what she hopes to have achieved in next ten years!

We asked her what it was like going on stage for the very first time. She replied with:
‘It was exhilarating and absolutely terrifying at the same time. I was fine the whole day before I had to go on stage and then a minute before my heart started to race, my stomach felt queasy and I thought I was going to faint! Thankfully I didn’t or my fan base would have decreased just a bit! I knew I had fans in the UK but I didn’t know what to expect when I went touring in the US. When I went on stage I was blown away by my fan base. I didn’t expect half the amount of people that were there, it was such a rush! I started off by singing my very first song that I had wrote myself ‘Unicorns’ as it’s quite up-beat and I wanted to get off to an awesome start! Unfortunately it was raining the whole time but it made it even crazier! The crowd was going wild! The crazier something is the more you’re going to remember it so i‘m kinda glad it was raining, it added to the atmosphere! I love touring now, i’ve got one coming up next year and i’m also hoping to introduce some new songs in the next coming months which I am currently working on.

We wanted to find out whether Scarlett Rose’s humble and sweet personality was the same as when she was a child, she laughed and replied with:
‘Definatley not! People thought I was a sweet child on the outside but then I would poke strangers numerous times in the face and scream! The stories I hear of my parents are completely mad! I was quite a different child to what you would expect looking at me now. I dont remember this but one time when I was little I was curious and found some scissors hidden away, I don’t know what was
running through my head but I though it would be a good idea to cut my own hair. So when I went to my Mum she
realised that I had lop-sided hair and took me straight to the hair-dressers! Lets just say she was a little annoyed. I also have a sister, Summer, who i’ve always been really close with, we're pretty much totally different in ambitions and appearance but we’ve pretty much always got along! Of course we’ve argued but every sibling does! I’ve also got a brother but I dont see him very much with him living in Austalia, i’m so jealous! We were pretty close growing up too, I always joined him when he would be playing his games on the TV! The whole family is hoping to have a holiday in Australia next year and visit James, I cant wait! But yeah, I loved my childhood, it was great and i’m so happy to have such a close family too!’

We then asked what it was like to be noticed for the first time and being where she is now, she replied ‘It was crazy, I’m quite a humble character and I don't really like compliments that much so I was completely shocked when I got noticed for the first time. It was completely out of the blue but from that day on my life has completely changed. I was used to having casual days where I would just lounge about and eat chocolate, now my days are much more action packed! It does make my life much more exciting now which I absolutely love. I don't like too think of myself too highly, but I think I’m quite good. I’m not used to saying that but I guess you have to be quite good to make it this far! My fans are amazing too, I get sent cakes and baskets of chocolate so I can still have my lazy days when my week isn’t so hectic!
It‘s took a lot for me to make my way up the ladder of talent as there are so many musicians out there who don't get recognised and so I take every bit of my career and treasure it.’

We asked her what she hopes to have achieved in 10 years time, she replied with:
‘Oh god, in 10 years time i’ll be 31! That’s scary to think about! I hope by that time that i’ll be in the height of my career; still touring, still singing and definately enjoying life! My life at the moment is pretty hectic and mad and i’m loving it but I do think about the future and the fact that I want children. I’ve always wanted children when i’m older, I guess I didn’t know my life would turn out this way! It does scare me to think about what will happen when I do but i’m sure it’ll be at the right time and i can have a long deserved break! But yeah, i’m looking
forward to my future and all the new experiences i’m gonna have and the opportunities that will follow!’

So there we go! We have shared with you an insight into Scarlett Rose’s new career path and her thoughts on going on tour and being where she is now! II’m sure going to be seeing much more of her! Buy Scarlett Rose’s new album Treasure Traffic out February 25th.

Friday 8 February 2013

Second final front cover draft

This is my second final draft of my front cover for my music magazine. I really like this one and the improvements that i made. I took more photos with my model and added a guitar to make it a stronger mise en scene and make it look more like a music magazine and not a fashion magazine. I believe it is a much stronger image in terms of this as well as the photo containing eye contact which engages the audience. I stuck with the black and white colour scheme but because i change the image i had to change some of the text to yellow as you couldnt see it properly in black. I still think it fits in with my genre and i think it makes it more unique looking and more alternative. I also added a low opacity box behind some of the text to make it stand out more. After my feedback i made the barcode, date and price smaller aswell as adding an issue number. I altered the lighting and levels of my main image to make it look more proffessional and brighter. I made the teasing contents at the bottom of the page bigger and wider to vary the fonts i have used and make it fit better within the red box. I swapped the postition of the plug from the bottom left corner to the top right corner but took away the image as it would block the guitar which is a strong part of my image.