Sunday 27 January 2013

Improvements needed for second front cover draft

After the feedback from my first front cover draft i now know what i need to improve on, these are:

-Change the picture to make it seem more like a music magazine (Use a prop).
-Make the date and price smaller/think of a tagline.
-Swap the positions of the plug and the picture round.
-Maybe move the feature stories to the bottom of the page.
-I need to change the 'New found artist' to something like 'Luke Patron New artist found busking on the street!'


Friday 25 January 2013

Contents page draft 4

This is my fourth draft of my contents page. I stuck with the colour scheme from my third draft as i like this one the most as it fits in with my chosen genre and also my front cover. I kept a little bit of yellow on the page like i did on my front cover. I like how i added a drop shadow on all of my text as it makes it makes it stand out more. I also added borders around all of my sections as well as adding a little competition at the bottom as i noticed a lot of other music magazines included a competition.

Contents page draft 3

This one was my third draft of my contents page. I like the colour scheme as it continues on from my front cover and fits in with my chosen genre of music. I quite like the title as it stands out but i think it needed to make it a little bit bigger. I tried to have a little yellow on the page to be similar to my front cover. I also added borders around the boxes to make it more different and to stand out. I think i needed to add a border around the 'regulars' section though.

Contents page draft 2

This is my second draft of my contents page. I'm not as impresses by this one, i think the title needed to be against a red backgrounf or black one to make it stand out more. Also, after the feedback i agree that there is too much yellow on the page and it doesnt continue on from my colour scheme of my front cover. I quite like the 'tweet' box it think it mkaes it more quirky and different.

Contents page draft 1

This is my first draft of my contents page, i quite like this one, i like the layout and the colours used it fits in with my chosen genre of indie/alternative rock. Also it continues with the colour scheme from my front cover. However there are improvements needed, such as the image at the bottom of the page i think it needed to be against a background to make it more noticeable.